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WS-2055-11 Disabled person's parking card with DigiD


Important information

Do you have a condition or limitation that makes you unable to walk properly? You may be eligible for a disabled person's parking card. With a disabled person's parking card you can park on a handicapped parking spot in the Netherlands and most European countries. Note: you must adhere to the local parking rules. If you apply for a disabled person's parking card, a medical authority examines your physical disability. The municipality determines which authority this is.

Costs: Legesverordening.


Processing time: Depending on the medical examination, the processing time is 12 weeks.

Good to know:

  • The parking card has your name on it. 
  • The number plate is not printed on the parking card. You can use the card for any card.
  • The parking card is valid for a maximum of 5 years.