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WS-2095-12 Traffic report with eID (eIDAS)


Important information

Do you see an unsafe intersection or an unclear crosswalk in the municipality? Report this unsafe traffic situation to the municipality.

Good to know:

  • To improve road safety in urban areas there are 30km/h zones established. Speed bumps, road narrowing, and narrow lanes need to slow down traffic. This mainly concerns residential areas, shopping areas, schools and other places where there are many pedestrians, cyclists and children.

  • In addition to the 30km/h zones, there are also 60km/h zones. These zones are also established to improve road safety. 60km/h zones are always outside urban areas, but are often also under control of the municipality. In 60km/h zones there are also speed bumps, road narrowing and smaller lanes to slow down traffic.
The municipality kindly asks you to provide:
  • The precise location.
  • The reason for your report.
  • If possible, photo's and/or plan of site.
If you think that the municipality should assign your street or neighbourhood as a 30km/h zone, it Is best to place this request with your neighbours together.