Special investigative officers
A special investigative officer (buitengewoon opsporingsambtenaar) is a civil servant with investigative authority. This means that a special investigative officer can detect certain offenses.
How does it work?
Special investigative officers are deployed by organisations or by the police to maintain safety.
For example, there are special investigative officers deployed to maintain the parking policy. But also wildlife officers, environmental inspectors and school attendance officers are special investigative officers. A special investigative officer is allowed to arrest suspects and issuing fines.
However, a special investigative officer holds not the same responsibilities as the police force.
Arrange it online
The municipality Wassenaar works with DigiD. For more information on DigiD
Stands for Digital Identity and is being used to arrange something with a (semi) governmental organization on the Internet. Anyone who has a citizen service number (BSN number) and is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP) can apply for a DigiD.
If this is not the case for you, we kindly request you to make an appointment or contact the municipality.
The municipality Wassenaar works with eIDAS. For more information on eIDAS.
(Electronic Identification Authentication and trust Services) is a method conducted by the European Union (EU) to make cross-border usage of the national digital identity method possible. Logging in, at the moment, can only be done with the national digital identity methods from the following member states of the EU: Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg and Spain.
If you are not from one of these countries, we kindly request you to make an appointment or contact the municipality.
Supervision and enforcement in the public space without identification
Supervision and enforcement in the public space with DigiD
Supervision and enforcement in the public space with eID (eIDAS)