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WS-2094-12 Airspace notification with eID (eIDAS)


Important information

Take off from and land an aircraft(for instance a helicopter) is prohibited on a site other than an airport. If you want to do this you need an exemption from the Province. With an exemption you may use a different area than an airport to take off or land.

Costs: No fee for notifying the municipality about using the airspace.

Good to know:

Flight areas with a drone:

For security reasons, you can not fly with a drone everywhere. This is forbidden, for example, in areas around airports. You may fly in the free part/area of the airspace. This area is not controlled by air traffic control. On the website of the national government you will find the rules for flying with a drone.

The municipality kindly asks you to provide:
  • The location of landing and take off.
  • The type of aircraft.
  • Day and time take off aircraft.
  • Day and time landing of aircraft.